Douglass O'Connell Day

On September 29, 1845, Frederick Douglass and Daniel O’Connell met. It was the only time that they were ever together in person. Dr. Christine Kinealy presents AAIDN’s 2023 Douglass-O’Connell Day Lecture, in which she provides an account of their meeting, their mutual influence on each other, and the lasting global impact of their shared mission to achieve freedom, social justice and civil rights for all people.


Dr. Kinealy is a professor of History at Quinnipiac University, founding Director of Ireland’s Great Hunger Institute, and a Board Member of the African American Irish Diaspora Network. She is the author of Frederick Douglass and Ireland: In His Own Words, and Daniel O’Connell and the Anti-Slavery Movement: ‘The Saddest People the Sun Sees’, among many other books and publications. She received an Emmy Award for The Great Hunger and the Irish Diaspora documentary.


Please join AAIDN today in celebrating the legacies of Frederick Douglass and Daniel O’Connell, and the bond they helped forge between Ireland and African Americans through their leadership in the fight against oppression around the world.


Dennis Brownlee